Corsair PC zdroj 750W RM750 80+ Gold Fully-Modular bílý
CORSAIR RM Series Fully Modular Ultra-Low Noise Power Supplies deliver consistent 80 PLUS Gold efficient power to your PC. With triple/dual EPS12V cables and four PCIe 8-pin power
connectors, RM PSUs have all the connections needed to power today’s most demanding PC upgrades. Industrial-grade, 105°C-rated capacitors deliver superb electrical performance
and reliability, backed by a ten-year warranty. Wake your computer faster and consume less power with support for the Modern Standby sleep mode. Zero RPM fan mode ensures
virtually silent operation at low and medium loads. Fully modular cables make PC builds and upgrades easy, as you connect only the cables your system requires. RM PSUs are quiet,
efficient, and dependable to power your high-performance PC for years to come.