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The second installment in the Studio series is an intelligent crime thriller pitting unlikely heroines against London's dark crime underworld Ultra-violent videos of murder and torture are being uploaded to the internet and when bodies start showing up on the streets of London.
můžete mít 7.2. - 10.2.
Jan Jacob Slauerhoff (1898 – 1936) bol popredný severonizozemský prozaik a básnik; ako lodný lekár precestoval krajiny východnej Ázie, Južnej Ameriky i severnej Afriky. V 1930tych rokoch patril k prominentným predstaviteľom generácie okolo časopisu Forum.
můžete mít 7.2. - 10.2.
ARO Hawken Trent. So polite. So sweet. Such an upstanding young man. A virgin, too, I hear. He never gets naughty with a girl. Probably because Jesus told him not to. And now here he is, trying to be the hero by protecting another girl from me. He calls me a bully. Irrational. Unreasonable.
můžete mít 7.2. - 10.2.
‚We were perfect together. Until we met.‘ I can't help but smile at the lyrics in her letter. She misses me. In fifth grade, my teacher set us up with pen pals from a different school. Thinking I was a girl, with a name like Misha, the other teacher paired me up with her student, Ryen.
můžete mít 7.2. - 10.2.
Claudia Hamptonová, je na prahu smrti. Ještě však neřekla své poslední slovo. Claudia je slavná spisovatelka a historička, především ale silná a nezávislá žena.
můžete mít 7.2. - 10.2.
Learning by heart is the best way to experience a poem, but the method has fallen from favour as part of the educational system. This small collection of the best English poems offers the reader the chance to re-engage with poetry.
můžete mít 7.2. - 10.2.
Named a Most Anticipated book by Good Housekeeping, Washington Post, Bookpage, CrimeReads, Readers Digest, Popsugar, LitHub, E!
můžete mít 10.2. - 11.2.
With crackling suspense, unforgettable characters and searing insight, The Lost Apothecary is a subversive and intoxicating debut novel of secrets, vengeance and the remarkable ways women can save each other despite the barrier of time.
můžete mít 10.2. - 11.2.
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER AND FIRST EVER OFFICIAL BOOK BY LOUISE PENTLAND. Aloha Sprinklerinos! Imagine you are in one of those glorious vintage shops where every surface is laden with treasure.
můžete mít 10.2. - 11.2.
Finský básník, prozaik a překladatel, komunista a opilec, enfant terrible finské literární scény, strávil na přelomu let 1966 a 1967 dva měsíce v Praze.
můžete mít 11.2. - 13.2.
Syrový text Dopis pro mou ženu finského spisovatele, kontroverzního bohéma, oddaného komunisty a náruživého alkoholika, celebrity finské literatury, vznikl na konci šedesátých let.
můžete mít 11.2. - 13.2.
A geracao da utopia, de 1992, acompanha um grupo de jovens que sonhou e lutou por um pais livre e se depara com a realidade de Angola pos- independencia.
můžete mít 10.2. - 11.2.
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