Knight Sarah: No F*cks Given: Life-Changing Words to Live By
Knight Sarah: No F*cks Given: Life-Changing Words to Live By
As unprecedented times become our new normal, Sarah Knight and her No Fks Given Guides offer a hands-on,
real talk approach to tackling everything that life throws at you. No F*cks Given is a priceless collection of Knight's best quotes and life-changing advice, gathered together in one must-have gift package.
In The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving A Fk Sarah gave you the tools to focus your energy where it's most useful; with Get Your Sh*t Together she provided a tough-love push towards getting organized to tackle your goals; You Do You offers a roadmap to embracing your individuality to be the best you; Calm the Fk Down serves as a poignant reminder to take a breath in the face of challenges and stress; and Fk No! teaches you to preserve your time by saying no to the things that don't serve you.
No F*cks Given is an essential selection of key quotations pulled from this collection of self-help books that have changed lives and delivered practical advice with a hilariously explicit twist. This is self-help for the modern reader.
- počet stran: 200
- produkt: Knihy – vázané
- datum vydání: 25.10.2022
- šířka: 157mm
- výška: 22mm
- hmotnost: 404g
- jazyk: anglicky