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Jaroslav Kalfař

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Jaroslav Kalfař: Kosmonaut z Čech Jaroslav Kalfař: Spaceman Of Bohemia
Jaroslav Kalfař: Kosmonaut z Čech

Cesta do hlubin vesmíru a astronautovy duše. Když se ve sluneční soustavě objevil podivný oblak, rozhodla se malá země uprostřed Evropy vyslat na nebezpečnou misi k Venuši jednočlennou posádku. Vyvolený kosmonaut Jakub Procházka by se mohl stát nejslavnějším mužem na Zemi.

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Jaroslav Kalfař: Kosmonaut z Čech Jaroslav Kalfař: Spaceman Of Bohemia
Jaroslav Kalfař: Kosmonaut z Čech

Jakub Procházka jako malý chlapec osiřel a vyrůstal na venkově u prarodičů.

můžete mít 4.4. - 8.4.

Jaroslav Kalfař: Spaceman Of Bohemia Jaroslav Kalfař: Spaceman Of Bohemia
Jaroslav Kalfař: Spaceman Of Bohemia

'An incredible experience… I can honestly say I loved every page. Every sentence.

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Jaroslav Kalfař: A Brief History of Living Forever Jaroslav Kalfař: A Brief History of Living Forever
Jaroslav Kalfař: A Brief History of Living Forever

When Adela discovers she has a terminal illness, her thoughts turn to Tereza, the American-raised daughter she gave up at birth. Leaving behind her moody, grown son, Roman in their native Czech village, she flies to the United States to find the long-lost daughter who never knew her.

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Jaroslav Kalfař: A Brief History of Living Forever Jaroslav Kalfař: A Brief History of Living Forever
Jaroslav Kalfař: A Brief History of Living Forever

FROM THE AUTHOR OF SPACEMAN OF BOHEMIA, SOON TO BE A MAJOR NETFLIX FILM STARRING ADAM SANDLER AND CAREY MULLIGAN'Ambitious, exciting . . . touches of Don DeLillo' Daily Telegraph'A Kurt Vonnegut-like satirical touch' New York Times'Inventive and heartfelt . . .

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Jaroslav Kalfař: Prague Sketchbook Jaroslav Kalfař: A Brief History of Living Forever
Jaroslav Kalfař: Prague Sketchbook

One of Europe's most beautiful cities is celebrated through the talents of artist Tom Mairs The city of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, is a historic city with cobblestone streets lined with buildings that tell the story of past centuries, offering an architecture that blends Gothic.

můžete mít 2.4. - 3.4.