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Chris Barker

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Chris Barker: Tempo 3 Student´s Book Chris Barker: New Headway Pre-Intermediate Culture and Literature Companion (5th)
Chris Barker: Tempo 3 Student´s Book

Tempo je 3 dílná učebnice angličtiny pro 2. stupeň základních škol. – učebnice, 3. díl Popis: Učebnice angličtiny Tempo je přehledná a má jasnou strukturu. Celkem 10 lekcí je rozděleno do 5 modulů po 2 lekcích.

můžete mít 28.3. - 31.3.

Chris Barker: Snapshot New Edition Elementary Language Booster Chris Barker: New Headway Pre-Intermediate Culture and Literature Companion (5th)
Chris Barker: Snapshot New Edition Elementary Language Booster

With New Snapshot you can: * Capture Students' interest and imagination though real characters and language, and up-to-the-minute teenage topics * Bring language to life * Widen students' experience of international culture through new culture pages.

můžete mít 28.3. - 31.3.

Chris Barker: New Headway Pre-Intermediate Culture and Literature Companion (5th) Chris Barker: New Headway Pre-Intermediate Culture and Literature Companion (5th)
Chris Barker: New Headway Pre-Intermediate Culture and Literature Companion (5th)

Discover a wide variety of interesting texts relating to the culture and literature of the English-speaking world, including the UK, the US, Australia and the Caribbean. The culture texts range from art and geography to history and politics.

můžete mít 28.3. - 31.3.