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Terry Hayes: The Year of the Locust Terry Hayes: The Year of the Locust
Terry Hayes: The Year of the Locust

This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good…

můžete mít 5.2. - 6.2.

Joanna Walsh: Break.up Terry Hayes: The Year of the Locust
Joanna Walsh: Break.up

This is the question Walsh's narrator must reckon with as she travels across Europe after the end of a love affair conducted largely online.

můžete mít 5.2. - 6.2.

Mark Slouka: God´s Fool : A Novel Terry Hayes: The Year of the Locust
Mark Slouka: God´s Fool : A Novel

Born attached at the chest, Chang and Eng were considered a marvel, an act of God. By any standard, theirs is a history of epic variety and drama. Mark Slouka recounts their tumultuous story, from the docks of Vietnam to American fame, with intimacy and compassion.

můžete mít 5.2. - 6.2.

The Kingfisher Secret Hector Garcia;Francesc Miralles: Ikigai : The Japanese secret to a long and happy life
The Kingfisher Secret

Her codename is Kingfisher. Her mission: to seduce and marry most powerful man in the world. October 2016: In America, the election is a few weeks away. Journalist Grace Elliot has just landed a scoop that she believe will make her career.

můžete mít 5.2. - 6.2.

Hector Garcia;Francesc Miralles: Ikigai : The Japanese secret to a long and happy life Hector Garcia;Francesc Miralles: Ikigai : The Japanese secret to a long and happy life
Hector Garcia;Francesc Miralles: Ikigai : The Japanese secret to a long and happy life

Discover the Japanese secret to a long and happy life with the internationally bestselling guide to ikigai – ‚a refreshingly simple recipe for happiness‘ (Stylist Magazine) The people of Japan believe that everyone has an ikigai – a reason to jump out of bed each morning.

můžete mít 5.2. - 6.2.

Peter Frankopan: The Earth Transformed: An Untold History Hector Garcia;Francesc Miralles: Ikigai : The Japanese secret to a long and happy life
Peter Frankopan: The Earth Transformed: An Untold History


můžete mít 5.2. - 6.2.

Michael Ondaatje: A Year of Last Things: From the Booker Prize-winning author of The English Patient Michael Ondaatje: A Year of Last Things: From the Booker Prize-winning author of The English Patient
Michael Ondaatje: A Year of Last Things: From the Booker Prize-winning author of The English Patient

With A Year of Last Things, acclaimed novelist Michael Ondaatje returns to poetry, looking back on a life of displacement and discovery'My life always stops for a new book by him' JHUMPA LAHIRI, author of The Namesake'Timeless…

můžete mít 5.2. - 6.2.

Michio Kaku: Beyond Einstein : The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe Michael Ondaatje: A Year of Last Things: From the Booker Prize-winning author of The English Patient
Michio Kaku: Beyond Einstein : The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe

Beyond Einstein takes readers on an exciting excursion into the discoveries that have led scientists to the brightest new prospect in theoretical physics today – superstring theory. What is superstring theory and why is it important?

můžete mít 5.2. - 6.2.

Richard N. Nash: Cry macho Michael Ondaatje: A Year of Last Things: From the Booker Prize-winning author of The English Patient
Richard N. Nash: Cry macho

Knižní předloha úspěšného filmu – strhující román o poslední jízdě jedné hvězdy rodea Mike má nejlepší roky za sebou. Bývaly doby, kdy v aréně nejezdil nikdo lepší, ovšem rozvod a roky drsného života mu vyčerpaly tělo.

můžete mít 5.2. - 6.2.

Tillie Waldenová: Kam jsi zmizela? Veronica Henry: Thirty Days in Paris: The gorgeously escapist, romantic and uplifting new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author
Tillie Waldenová: Kam jsi zmizela?

Dívka Bea je na útěku z domova, když potká automechaničku Lou. Náhodné setkání se ukáže jako osudové. Obě ženy nasedají do auta a pokouší se ujet před komplikovanými vztahy i traumaty. Bez ohledu na věkový rozdíl obě sdílejí podobné důvody k úniku.

můžete mít 5.2. - 6.2.

Veronica Henry: Thirty Days in Paris: The gorgeously escapist, romantic and uplifting new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author Veronica Henry: Thirty Days in Paris: The gorgeously escapist, romantic and uplifting new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author
Veronica Henry: Thirty Days in Paris: The gorgeously escapist, romantic and uplifting new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author

THE STUNNING AND ROMANTIC NEW NOVEL FROM SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR VERONICA HENRY – PRE-ORDER NOW!‚Magical, romantic, fantastique‘ MILLY JOHNSON'A perfect Parisian fantasy every woman will love' KATIE FFORDE'Wow, wow, WOW. Her best and most perfect book yet. I adored every word.

můžete mít 5.2. - 6.2.

Julianne MacLean: Toskánské dědictví Veronica Henry: Thirty Days in Paris: The gorgeously escapist, romantic and uplifting new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author
Julianne MacLean: Toskánské dědictví

Jestli se Fiona ve svém životě něco naučila, pak to, jak udržet tajemství. Neprozradí jej ani otci, který ji vychoval. Je jediná, kdo ví o matčině milostném románku, který se odehrál před třiceti lety v Toskánsku, a nehodlá na tom nic měnit.

můžete mít 5.2. - 6.2.

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