Haruki Murakami: Underground
Haruki Murakami: Underground
Partnerský prodej - cenu dopravy určuje partner
In spite of the perpetrators' intentions, the Tokyo gas attack left only twelve people dead, but thousands were injured and many suffered serious after-effects. This title features the author's interviews with the victims to tried and established precisely what happened on the subway that day.
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267 Kč
Zboží od:
Knihy Daniela
267 Kč
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u zásilek od 299 Kč
Poslední 3 kusy
na výdejním místě
Výdejní místa
14.3.2025 -
na vaší adrese
Možnosti doručení
In spite of the perpetrators' intentions, the Tokyo gas attack left only twelve people dead, but thousands were injured and many suffered serious after-effects. This title features the author's interviews with the victims to tried and established precisely what happened on the subway that day.
- Datum vydání: 30. 11. –0001
- Počet stran: 312
- ISBN: 978–0–099–46109–8
- Vazba: brožovaná vazba