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2 produkty
Tomáš Mach: Vademecum of International Law
Tomáš Mach: Vademecum of International Investment Law
Tomáš Mach: Vademecum of International Law
Vademecum of International law, as the label of this textbook indicates, is a brief handbook of public international law. The objective of this textbook is to provide its readers with a coherent introduction into the study of public international law.
můžete mít 14.2. - 17.2.
Tomáš Mach: Vademecum of International Investment Law
Tomáš Mach: Vademecum of International Investment Law
Tomáš Mach: Vademecum of International Investment Law
Vademecum of International Investment Law is a monograph covering the substantial principles of the law of international investment protection.
můžete mít 18.2. - 20.2.