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Discover English je zcela nová řada učebnic angličtiny pro 2. stupeň ZŠ. Učí se Vaši žáci lépe odposlechem? Vizuálně? Pohybově? Discover English = úspěch pro KAŽDÉHO žáka
můžete mít 20.12. - 27.12.
Every learner has the potential to achieve great things. Talent helps unlock that potential.
můžete mít 20.12. - 27.12.
Students' Multi-ROM (included in Students' Book pack) Hilary Parnall The Students' Multi-ROM is a self-access resource for each student to use on a computer either at home or in school.
můžete mít 20.12. - 27.12.
Challenges provides * Coursebooks that can be completed in one year.
můžete mít 20.12. - 27.12.
Inspires teenagers with fresh, exciting content, culture pages, project work and songs* Develops students' vocabulary with a controlled syllabus.
můžete mít 20.12. - 27.12.
- Dual entry flexibility. Friends is a flexible 4-level course with two entry points Starter for complete beginners and Level 1 for false beginners * Variety, humour, interest.
můžete mít 20.12. - 27.12.
- Dual entry flexibility. Friends is a flexible 4-level course with two entry points – Starter for complete beginners and Level 1 for false beginners * Variety, humour, interest.
můžete mít 20.12. - 27.12.
New Challengeshelps students become more effective learners and better citizens of the world through personal development.
můžete mít 20.12. - 27.12.